Operation Wallacea
Operation Wallacea is an organisation that operates biological and conservation management research programmes in remote locations across the world. In 2012/13 the expeditions are operating in 11 countries: Indonesia, Honduras, Egypt, Cuba, South Africa, Mozambique, Madagascar, Peru, Guyana, Romania, and Mexico. In order to help expedition members who are undertaking diving, we have put together some equipment packages that will ensure that you have the equipment you need to make the most out of your diving training and research. Op Wallacea requires all expedition members to have their own basic equipment and we have put together a package at an extremely low price. The packages are suitable for all diving locations, and you can upgrade the thickness of your suit depending on where you are going. There are also several dive computer options available if you would prefer that to a basic dive watch. If you already have some equipment then you can pick and choose, but for the BEST deal the package is the best option. If you have any questions about the equipment you can always call our dive centre in the UK which is open 7 days a week from 9.00 – 5.00 on 02392 838773.